The Culture Quadrant

The Introduction

For the lower-left quadrant we consider the organisation through the EMPLOYEE-INTERIOR lens, or the “We”.

Focussed on the environment, behaviours and attitudes that exist within the organisation. It represents the internal realisation and manifestation of the organisation’s SOUL.

It is how all employees feel about the organisation’s existence and how it conducts itself internally. Their experiences whilst at work, their level of comfort and belonging. This is CULTURE.

The Lines

The Primary lines within the CULTURE quadrant are:


How individuals interact with each other. How they consider each other and how they raise uncomfortable subjects.


One of the most important ‘soft’ skills for any organisation’s team. Teaching individuals how to recognise, understand and manage emotions.


How the organisation ensures each and every employee can be comfortable being themselves. Allowing individuals space and acceptance so they needn’t hide behind their ‘professional mask’.

The Benefits

The CULTURE quadrant helps build the internal environment that allows your team to enjoy their work. Leadership need to personify the desired standards of behaviour and interaction within the organisation. By doing so they set a clear example for everyone else.

The other quadrants help build the CULTURE through the level of transparency the organisation operates under, with the way policy is written, decisions on what business tools are used and how employees are trained and rewarded.

Developing the intangible elements within the CULTURE quadrant ties all of these practical considerations into one cohesive atmosphere and set of behaviours, which in turn builds trust and loyalty amongst the team.

The Challenges

Challenge 1

Leading by example.

Leaders of the organisation have to set the tone to the rest of the employees. They have to be the living embodiment of the behaviours, values and standards that they wish all others to display.

The pressures of leadership can sometimes mean we forget this responsibility but maintaining the standards we expect from others is vitally important. Credibility of leadership is a key component in a sustainable culture.

Challenge 2

Listening to all feedback, even the uncomfortable bits.

Listening to, and acting upon, employee feedback is so important in helping to maintain a positive internal culture. Especially if that feedback is about leaders or managers. Sometimes they can become blind to the possibility that they may be part of a problem. When this happens employees begin to lose faith and trust in the organisation.

It is crucial that organisations have clear and effective ways of allowing employees to feedback about their experiences. Maintaining effective accountability throughout the organisation is a must.

The Summary


An organisation’s CULTURE can make or break it. The focus is about developing a strong set of intangible skills, attitudes and behaviours that all support respectful and healthy human interaction.

The CULTURE quadrant intertwines with all of the others. It is led by the organisation’s self-perception and it informs the organisation’s approach to the more practical areas of its existence.

CULTURE should inspire and be upheld by everyone in the organisation. From top to bottom, all are equal in the pursuit of an enjoyable and harmonious workplace.