
The Model

A balance between your team
and commercial success.

The Conscious Organisation provides a blue print for building an organisational structure and culture, with humanity at its core but without sacrificing success or commerciality. 

Designed for those in positions of leadership who are looking to either build a business from the ground up or transform an existing structure.

It takes inspiration from a wide variety of theories and techniques which all have the common thread of helping to improve the way that individuals conduct themselves, interact with others and consider the environment around them.

Integral theory, Self-management, Non-Violent Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Values & Purpose based existence all feature in its comprehensive approach.

To help organise the thinking of the theory, an implementation of the Integral Model (AQAL) is used.

It enables access to different modes of thought on a simple 2×2 matrix, considering the organisation vs employees and interior vs exterior. 

By considering an organisation through its own existence, as well as through its employees we gain valuable insights about where you are doing well, and where you can improve.

The Benefits


Rooted in Values & Purpose

This approach provides a consistent thread of focus within everything the organisation does. Providing strong, common beliefs and standards amongst the team and beyond.


Full lifecycle support

The model can guide you from the moment you create your business all the way into maturity. It caters for all scales of organisation and stages of growth.


Clarity of ethos & structure

With strong influences from Self-Management theories, the model relies on transparency throughout the whole organisation and clear operational standards for everyone to use.


People & Commerciality

With employees part of the core matrix structure, their viewpoint is considered at every stage and element. This allows their needs to be incorporated alongside all of the typical commercial needs of an organisation.



Skills and techniques such as Emotional Intelligence and Non-violent Communication promote highly developed interpersonal collaborations. Respectful and effective relationships are the backbone of a conscious organisation.

The Elements

The top level of the model.

These four areas allow us to categorise the many areas of organisational concern more easily. Each quadrant will provide a focus for leaders as they work through their journey of developing their organisations consciousness.

A quadrant’s content.

Each line is a practical and actionable concern for the organisation. They help build and define the working features of your organisation, in its new conscious outlook.

How the organisation regards itself.

When the four viewpoints of the AQAL model combine in each quadrant, they provide it with its key persona. Each one helps you define where in the organisation, the quadrant’s lines should be focussed.

The learning journey. 

For each line you work through the levels.
Learn the theory of the topic.
Implement the learnings through initiatives
Integrate them into the organisations day to day.

Inspired for change?

Our partner agency, Mystic Blend have helped us pioneer the Conscious Organisation model.
They are a preferred supplier for helping others begin their journey.